Monday, 17 November 2008
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
Monday, 27 October 2008
Sunday, 26 October 2008
Saturday, 25 October 2008
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
È venuto il primo pezzo di marmi rubati
Ora restituito al posto di una porzione di marmi rubati il Partenone, grazie al professor Louis Godart, Consigliere del Presidente della Repubblica Italiana per la Cultura.
Louis, è greco studenti presso l'Università di Napoli nel amore per la vostra generosità e il vostro amore per il nostro paese!
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Monday, 15 September 2008
Sunday, 14 September 2008
Overview of Delphi's ruins
Ετικέτες general info, History, Kastalia Spring, Map of Delphi, Sanctuary of Athena Pronaia, stadium, Theater, Tourist F.A.Q, TOURIST information
Αναρτήθηκε από o 0 σχόλια
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Saturday, 6 September 2008
Friday, 5 September 2008
Para nuestros amigos españoles
Aunque la lista de funcionarios seguramente no le resultará imprescindible, le presentamos los nombres de los que pueden contestar las preguntas que usted podría tener y que no están recogidas en nuestras páginas
(FRA) +30 22650 82900 (ENG) +30 22650 82311
You NEED to have this Delphi telephone list
Вопрос: Каков прогноз погоды, как в Delphi, скажем в марте?
: Существует ссылка на боковой панели (справа) в блоге, но так как вы читаете это,
попробуйте за 48 часа прогноз (он работает большинство
время, поверьте мне) и не очень надежный прогноз 4-6 дней!
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
Sunday, 31 August 2008
Entering Delphi slideshow
Ετικέτες AMAZING Pictures, Fontaine Castalie, outside Delphi, pictures, Sanctuary of Athena Pronaia, TOURIST information, Video
Αναρτήθηκε από o 2 σχόλια
Saturday, 30 August 2008
Sunctuary of Delphi (part 1)
The Sanctuary of Delphi is in a part of ancient Greece called Phokis, north across the Gulf of Corinth from Olympia and the Peloponnese. It was easily accesible from the Peloponnese by sea, and from the east (Veotia, Attica, Chalkis, Eretria) by road-the same road Oedipus took when he left Delphi after consulting the oracle-and it stood close to the north-south route that ran from the Peloponnese to Thessaly. It did not stand, like Olympia, on flat ground, but rose steeply from the precipitous slopes of Mount Parnassos.It faces south; springs crevices, and rocks around.
Like Olympia, it was not under the control of a major settlement but developed on the margins of established powers; so it was essesntially neutral. It was this character of neutrality that allowed Delphi and Olympia to become significant interurban sanctuaries, where poleis (cities) and elite individuals could compete in shows of strangth and wealth on an equal footing.
The Greeks themselves thought that Delphi was the center of the earth, and Pindar described it as the shared heart of Hellas (Greece). Legebd had it that Gaia (Mother Earth, the first prophetess) resided here with her son Python, the snake.; hence, the games here were called the Pythians games, and the priestess who delivered the oracles was known as the Pythia. It was only after Apollo had killed Python that he was able to take over from Gaia, and the sanctuary became his. However, even in the periods of greatest development of Apollo's sanctuary, a small area was always left uncluttered and revered: Python's Cave, Sibyl's Rock, and the spring called Cassotis.
(to be continued in part 2)
Friday, 29 August 2008
Q: Is there any train service to Delphi?
A. NO! The nearest train station (line Thessaloniki-Athens) is in Livadeia, some 1 hour trip from
Delphi to the East. There is also a railway station in Lamia, but it's rather far away...
Q: How are the following written using Greek characters?
- Delphi (might see it as Delfi, or Delfoi!!)----> Δελφοί (caps :ΔΕΛΦΟΙ)
- Athens---> Αθήνα (caps: ΑΘΗΝΑ)
- Itea--> easy! Ιτέα
- Amfissa---> Άμφισσα, caps: ΑΜΦΙΣΣΑ
- Galaxidi---> Γαλαξ(ε)ίδι, caps: ΓΑΛΑΞ(Ε)ΙΔΙ
- Patras--> Πάτρα, caps: ΠΑΤΡΑ
Q: What is the weather like in Delphi, say in March?
A: There is a link on the sidebar (right) of the blog, but since you are reading this,
try for a 48 hours forecast (it works most of the
time,believe me) and a not-so-reliable 4-6 days forecast!
Q: Is there any public transport from Patras to Delphi?
A: There is NO DIRECT from Patras to Delphi.You can take the bus to Itea/Amfissa (the Patras-Amfissa bus stops in Itea too-it's on the way) and change buses there for Delphi.
Itea is near 20Km from Delphi
Delphi's excavation photo collection (will be updated)
Thursday, 28 August 2008
Transportation to Delphi
Venizelos Airport --> Athens (35Km approx)
Basically you have 2 cheap options get to Athens center once you landed in Venizelos. Either take the Subway, or by public bus(es).
It might be a little bit confusing, with the changes you have to make, so it is better to take a bus. Please note that the last train to Athens is on 23:39, so if arriving near this time you can forget it.
- A VERY useful map a the connection between Venizelos airport and the center of Athens. Find it here: (DOWNLOAD IT NOW!)
- A map of Athen's center with public transportation options. Here:
BTW, Greek fonts!
Buses to Delphi
The trip takes about three hours and will cost around €14 (2008)
Rent a Taxi Driver
Renting a Car
- Tours to Delphi
Many travel agencies in Greece include Delphi in their organized land tours. It is included in the three and four day classical tour and also as an overnight trip with Meteora. It can also be done as a day trip.The bus picks you up at your hotel in the morning and drops you off after the tour (unless your hotel is nowhere near the route the bus takes).